Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Evaluation Question 1 (Part 2 of 2)

This post concludes the first question of my evaluation, at the beginning of this project we aimed to create something that had a similar connotation to the music listened to by the majority of the social and teenage demographic, but we also wanted to make sure that the style of the video was made to be very innovative and surreal. Our director Micheal burrin had the idea to make the video have the same mainstream quality existing music videos have but also something different to alter the normal way of seeing rock music as a genre, we decided to have the overlay effect be our best tool in showing the difference the video imposes not only from our fellow students but for music video projects as a whole. I have analyzed some more shots from our rough cut in detail to explain the extent of skill and techniques we implemented to make this project a success. Using the warehouse created a great location and valuable mise en scene and the Sony DCR camera was very well used by Micheal with innovative techniques like 'induced framing' and 'live-shot crop'. We also implemented famous shooting techniques including close-ups, over the shoulder shots, areal shots, overhead shots, camera panning and definitive zooming. These  techniques were executed in the most different of ways because unlike your average music project we used them to shoot more of the scenery than the actual musicians themselves, objects like amps, mikes and snares were quickly and vibrantly shot with clear intention to create an intimate theme for our audience. The initial steps we took to making sure we used the right music track to obtain an optimal level of intertextuality in the project, first as a group we made a list of the songs we personally listen to and made sure we shared them with each other to see if there was any track that received a general consensus from the entire production team,the song that stood out was AFIs track 'end transmission' this was mainly due to the fact that the song had not been released by the band a video single and the tempo/feel of the music as a whole was strong and we all felt we could quite easily replicate that and create something that the real band could see themselves making.

This shot is a close up shot of the lead singer portrayed by Adam Johnson, the attention and detail is pulled directly to the lead singers face and also the mic is shown directly at the base of the shot, this expresses the lighting of the scenery the singer is in as dark and hazy it also clearly displays the overlay effect, this shot was made in reference to videos by groups like Linkin Park and Limpbiscuit whereby the lead singer is subject to extreme and normal close-up to extenuate the scenery around him.

This overhead shot is very famous with rock music videos, the mainstream rock group AFI use this technique in their videos, below is an example screenshot from their recent single 'Medicate' , it also shows the lead singer with an over head view.

We decided to remake a few shots from this music video to show similarities in video style between our work and that of AFI, the video also has several lighting and effects as our video, although we tried to put the elements of AFI in the video we still were abled to clearly let our ideas come through as the dominant factor in the completion of the video shooting.

The purpose of using shots like the one above was to make sure the scenery and the music synchronized very well, the editing evidently was very sharp and quick in several parts of the video this was because we wanted to reflect the pace of the music exactly and according to sequence, to us this make the audience understand that we completely fused the entire video with the track as a whole. Also the loose wiring and the floor boards were placed purposely to create a derelict feel to the set and the lighting mixed with the overlay effect were great addition for a rock genre audience to understand what these props are in place for.

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