Saturday, 20 March 2010

Digipak ideas and planning

 The digipak we aim to create will be as referent to the music video as possibleAdam Johnson will be creating the digipak. Adam plans to use elements from the music video as recources for the digipak at this point perhaps screen shots from the band performance or narrative may be the prefered elements for him. So many ideas have come into light for the digipak, but we havent at this point really picked a defifnitive choice for what we want it to be. As a group we have decided not to create a website home page for the band but rahther create a magazine cover and of course a digipak with the bands material on it. At this point time is a very important factor and we are very aware of the fact that there are just a few weeks left, we are currenlty satisfied with the amount of material we have and hope to be done very soon. We are alos aware that our tutor Mrs Mcluckie has given us a time limit to get the entire project done, we feel very confident of our progress especially after he shooting done on the 27th February.

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